About us
Psyuni is a young organization started by a team of psychology professionals with years of experience in the health and education sector. Psyuni offers life coaching, capacity building and research on wide range of mental health issues. We provide counseling for career, relationship, sexuality and other health related services to students, women and children. Additionally we also organize workshops for the students, teachers, parents, employees and other professionals on various behavioural issues.
We use one of the highest rated career counselling platform in India which is developed by Edumilestones and we are part of a network of 1500+ highly trained career counsellors present in more than 54 + Locations in India. Our comprehensive 5 dimensional career assessment is considered as Industry benchmark. Our network has collectively helped more than lakhs of students to take informed career decisions and contributed in their career growth.
How we provide best career counselling in India?
Students and Professionals can connect with us and get best one- on- one career counselling at most affordable price. For every candidate, career counsellor does detailed analysis, explore among 150+ career paths and 2000+ occupations and find out the most suitable career path. Detailed 32+ pages individual career report is given to every candidate with detailed execution plan for next 10 years.
What Are Career Assessments?
Career assessment is a diagnostic assessment used for understanding the interest, personality and aptitude, in order to recommend the right career for the candidate. Our 5 dimensional career assessment is highly accurate, reliable, based on scientific theories and statistically tested. We are having different assessments for 5th to 8th class students, 10th class students, 11th and 12th class Students, graduates and senior professionals. Every candidate gets a detailed 32-page comprehensive career analysis report with execution plan.
How to identify Best Career Counsellors in India?
Every career counsellor associated with us is professionally trained, experienced and highly qualified. Edumilestones integrated career counselling platform is providing a widest network of 1500+ senior career counsellors across 54+ locations. Our Career counsellors have counselled more than 50,000 candidates and impacting career life of more than 1 Lakhs students and professionals every year. Career counsellors do detailed profile analysis and provide unbiased career recommendations. Getting best career counselling now is easy and affordable. Professionals and students can directly connect with best career counsellors near them using our platform and get One on One professional guidance for their career clarity.